New Orleans Paranormal Investigations

New Orleans Paranormal Investigations

If your interested in participating in a Ghost research project, then you came to the right page. We're simply looking for scientific evidence to explain what happens in a "Haunted" setting. We pursue this for proof, and to satisfy our intellectual curiosity.
The task of the serious researcher / Investigatorsis to make an intelligent discernment, separating fact from fiction, myth from reality.

Everyone 18 or older is welcome to join this group
Just email me at ParaScienceTeam1@Aol.Com
and tell me why you want to join our group.
Everyone's input will be used in certain situations.

This is a great information website.... with great tunes... so turn the sound up.
I tried to get you as much updated info as I could.
I can tell you it doesn't take much to get started, you can build up to whatever equipment you are interested in as you go on hunts.
It's a learning experience ....but I must say it's addicting.
We are on the ground floor of learning about the paranormal, so if your interested look over the links and then give it a try.
NO MATTER where you live at, Spirits, Orbs, Hauntings are everywhere.
I tried NOT to make this website boring or to serious as most are.

We are here to get the proof of the Haunting but also to help the people who come to us for help!
<of course for free>

ParaScience:: Investigations of Ghosts, Haunting's, Spirits, Poltergeists or Supernatural activity.
The N.O. Team will be called N.O.P.I ParaScience Investigators,
we are a new group on the Internet and are based in New Orleans.
New Orleans Spirit Hunters seek to find evidence on any Energy Anomalies, Ghostly Activity, Poltergeist Activity ,
Apparitions , Paranormal Activity, Orbs, Voices on EVPS and the Unexplained .
We have a Chat room and Posting Board so we can chat about the Investigations or any ideals people may have for a Hunt.
If you are in need of help with any type of situation you find on this web site just click the HOME Link for all the info on us and to see if we can be of assistance to you.

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